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Advocacy - LGBTQ+

Victoria also identifies as part of the extended LGBTQIA+ acronym (queer/acespec/arospec) and is passionate about promoting LGBTQ+ awareness and education. 

She believes in kindness, respect, and that all LGBTQ+ identities are equally valid!


You can purchase digital posters (for printing A3 size). An approachable educational resource covering the acronym, the queer umbrella, gender, and orientation.

Victoria's easy-to-understand infographics and descriptions have been used by many LGBTQ+ clubs and organisations (including educational institutions, such as: Ross University School of Medicine).

a2 posters promo.jpg

FREE bits 'n' bobs


To celebrate Victoria's LGBTQ+ education book, Perfectly Queer, a FREE colouring page (featuring her pride mascot, the Rainboa Constrictor) is now available here to download and print. Yesssss!

You can also snap your creative colourings and tag @victoriabarronart and/or use #PerfectlyQueerBook, or #RainboaConstrictor on Instagram.


A little treat for those crafty folks out there to help spread some love, Victoria has created an easy cross stitch pattern to download and print for free. 

You can also check out more patterns in her Etsy shop (Victoria Barron ART) and/or snap your creations and tag @victoriabarronart on Instagram.


A few posts (at a slightly better resolution than those on social media)can be viewed and downloaded for educational purposes. 

TO DOWNLOAD: click any of the 'free' images to enlarge them (or hover over over the image) and click on the downwards-pointing arrow symbol to automatically download.

(Please remember that the copyright remains with the artist, Victoria Barron, as such, no artwork/text may be used for financial gain. )


An organisation providing crisis intervention services for LGBTQ+ youth under 25 

Education and support for LGBTQ+ youth

LGBTQ+ information and resources 

Providing a confidential helpline for LGBTQ+ people and issues within the UK since 1974 

Providing support and services for LGBTQ+ people in the UK

A leading charity supporting trans and non-binary youth and their families.

A charity helping to uphold the human rights of LGBTQ+ people in the UK and abroad

The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project provide resources and awareness about both spectrums

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